susie grant
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your dream life is possible. i help you see that its probable. together we make it inevitable.

the facts.

My name is Susie Grant, I am a life coach that helps women in business expand to their next level of success - abundance, clarity, ease and flow in business and life so they can live the life they’ve always dreamed of. This is possible. I help you see it’s probable. I help you make it inevitable.

I went from being a Stay-At-Home mum with no REAL direction - no career goals, no fitness goals, no goals of anything much to becoming a Muay Thai fighter, competitive powerlifter, personal trainer and opening my own gym, running fitness retreats in Bali and basically getting to live my dream life every single day.


It started with a vision. A dream in my heart that started as a small goal to just get fit. And from that one small goal and taking one small action step, my entire life course veered in a new direction and everything changed.

Now, it did take work and action and hustle (especially at the start), but it also took mindset, belief and growth. So. Much. Growth. But if you want change, you must embrace growth.

I have learned so much about ENTREPRENEURSHIP. I have learned so much about ACTION and STRATEGY. I have learned so much about MINDSET and ENERGY.

I have learned that in order to make ANYTHING happen in your life, you need all of these to work together and THIS is where my deep passion lies.

In my gym and online, I have coached hundreds of women on how to change their lives. Whether it’s a fitness goal, a business goal, a lifestyle change or just wanting to feel better - it is possible. I help you see that it’s probable. Together we make it inevitable.