susie grant
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Life Coaching for High Performers

The secret weapon to getting anything you want.


Having a coach is not a luxury, it is a necessity

Imagine waking up every morning feeling true joy knowing that you’re living your purpose, your passion, your potential.

Imagine waking up every morning knowing that your business is growing and thriving, your bank account is overflowing and you’re calling in amazing opportunities to expand and grow.

Imaging waking up each morning knowing that you are in the place you want to be, surrounded by the people that you love, living the life you always dreamed of.

Imagine waking up each morning just feeling good! You’re full of energy, you feel fit and strong and most importantly you love your body and you love yourself!

If you’re ready to SHOW UP and live the life you ACTUALLY want to be living, I can help you get there!

Heyyy, I’m Susie!

I am a life coach that helps high performers create powerful results in their life, fitness, business and relationships.

I went from being a Stay-At-Home mum with no REAL direction - no career goals, no fitness goals, no goals of anything much to becoming a Muay Thai fighter, competitive powerlifter, personal trainer, opening my own gym, running fitness retreats in Bali and basically getting to live my dream life every single day.

It is my mission to help as many women as possible tap into their power, realise their potential and create pure magic in their lives!




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